002 - Catalogs

Related issue: #257

Message catalogs can quickly grow in size and it’s convenient to split them into several files. Also, not all messages are extracted from source files and it may be convenient to fetch message descriptors from API (e.g. GraphQL Enum)


This proposal is about splitting source catalogs. Compiled message catalogs always contain all messages in project for now.


Deprecate localeDir, srcPathDirs and srcPathIgnorePatterns. These will be replaced with catalogs, described below.

Deprecate add-locale command and replace it with locales configuration.

Allow override default rootDir. All relative paths inside catalogs configuration will be relative to rootDir.

How catalogs work

Instead of single localeDir directory, catalogs accepts an object with configuration for each catalog:

   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "./locale/{locale}/shared": ".",
         "./locale/{locale}/graphql": "run!scripts/fetch_graphql_enums.js",
         "./components/{name}/locale/{locale}": "./components/{name}/",

Key is a path to catalog or catalogs. It’s either absolute or relative path to rootDir.

{locale} placeholder is replaced with catalog’s locale.

{name} placeholder is replaced with a catalog name. Source path must include {name} pattern as well and it works as a * glob pattern:

   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "./components/{name}/locale/{locale}": "./components/{name}/",

Value specify a source from which messages are extracted. It can be also an array of sources. The most common one is a directory, which is traversed recursively and messages are collected from source files.

   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "./locale/{locale}/all": "./src/",
         "./locale/{locale}/shared": [

If the path starts with ! then it’s excluded:

   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "./locale/{locale}/messages": [

If the path starts with run! then messages are loaded from executable script. See loading messages from scripts below.


Catalog names are always without extension because that depends on serializer, e.g. json and po.

Loading messages from scripts

Messages can also be loaded dynamically from a script. If the source path starts with run! (e.g. run!scripts/fetch_graphql_enums.js), the script is executed and returned messages are added to catalog.

The type of returned messages should be following:

type MessageDescriptor = {
  id: string,
  defaults?: string,
  description?: string

type Messages = Array<MessageDescriptor> | Promise<Array<MessageDescriptor>>

type ExtractedDescriptors =
  | {
      name: string,
      messages: Messages
  | Messages

export default {
  name: "graphql",
  messages: [
      id: "Episode.NEWHOPE",
      defaults: "New Hope"
      id: "Episode.EMPIRE",
      defaults: "Empire Strikes Back"
      id: "Episode.JEDI",
      defaults: "Return of the Jedi"

If returned value is an object with name attribute then value of this attribute is used in {name} placeholder.

Messages might also be a promise:

export default {
   name: 'graphql',
   messages: fetch_enums('/graphql')

Message files and translation files

Until now, babel plugin extracted messages into _build directory. Files from this directory were merged into single catalog which was used to create locale files.

_build directory will be removed right after messages are extracted and collected messages (without translations) will be stored in message file (POT or JSON extension). This file is language agnostic and contains only message definitions.

In next step, message file is used to create locale specific catalog by merging translation from previous locale files.

This allows to check if message source have changed, access message definitions in other tools and optionally, create/edit message files manually (if automatic extracting isn’t possible).


Default catalogs settings is:

   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "<rootDir>/locale/{locale}/messages": [

Example configurations

Separate catalogs per component, placed inside component dir

├── ComponentA/
│   ├── locale/
│   │  ├── en.po
│   │  └── cs.po
│   ├── ComponentA.test.js
│   └── ComponentA.js
└── ComponentB/
    ├── locale/
    │  ├── en.po
    │  └── cs.po
    ├── ComponentB.test.js
    └── ComponentB.js
   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "./{name}/locale/{locale}": "./{name}/"

Separate catalogs per component, placed inside shared directory

├── locale/
│   ├── en/
│   │   ├── ComponentA.po
│   │   └── ComponentB.po
│   └── cs/
│       ├── ComponentA.po
│       └── ComponentB.po
├── ComponentA/
│   ├── ComponentA.test.js
│   └── ComponentA.js
└── ComponentB/
    ├── ComponentB.test.js
    └── ComponentB.js
   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "./locale/{locale}/{name}": "./{name}/"

Loading message descriptors from API (e.g. GraphQL enums)

└── locale/
   ├── en/
   │   ├── graphql.po  // messages from remote GraphQL server
   │   └── app.po      // messages from local JS files
   └── cs/
       ├── graphql.po
       └── app.po
   "lingui": {
      "catalogs": {
         "./locale/{locale}/graphql": "run!./scripts/fetch_graphql_enums.js",
         "./locale/{locale}/app": [

Possible challenges

  • User should be warned if messages are collected, but there’s no corresponding locale directory for them (e.g. the root locale directory is missing).

  • When a new locale directory is created in subdirectory, all translations from parent locale should be moved here.

  • The other way around, when directory is removed, there should be a way how to merge tranlations to parent directory.

Other considered options

Default - automatic splitting

Create a locale directory manually in a directory from which all messages should be collected:

├── locale/
├── componentA/
└── componentB/

locale directory contains messages from componentA and componentB.

However, it doesn’t not contain messages which are collected to locale directory in a subdirectory:

├── locale/
├── componentA/
├── componentB/
└── largeComponentC/
    ├── locale/
    ├── subcomponentA/
    └── subcomponentB/

Here, locale contains messages from componentA and componentB, but not from largeComponentC, because these messages are collected in largeComponentC/locale.


It’s flexible and doesn’t require additional config in .linguirc


  • Directories must be created manually. In monorepos this might be extra work, but for example in Lerna it’s just lerna exec -- mkdir locales.

  • locale directory is always placed near the source files. It’s not possible to move it to different location (other than creating symlinks)

  • It’s not possible to rename catalogs.

  • It’s not possible to collect messages from multiple independent sources into single locale directory.

Create multiple lingui configs

Create Lingui config in a directory, which should hold separate locale directory:

├── .linguirc
├── locale/
├── componentA/
├── componentB/
└── largeComponentC/
    ├── .linguirc
    ├── locale/
    ├── subcomponentA/
    └── subcomponentB/

The .linguirc is as simple as:

   "localeDir": "./locale"

This seems to be very repetitive. On the other hand it allows overriding Lingui config per directory.