

This is an incomplete draft of a guide.

Components using <Trans> or withI18n() require access to the context of <I18nProvider>. This is not available when mounting single components in Enzyme. These helper functions aim to address that and wrap a valid, context around them.

Adapted from this gist.

import React from 'react'
import { shape, object } from 'prop-types'
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'
import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react'

// Create the I18nProvider to retrieve context for wrapping around.
const language = 'de-DE'
const intlProvider = new I18nProvider({
  catalogs: {
    [language]: {}
}, {})

const {
  linguiPublisher: {
    i18n: originalI18n
} = intlProvider.getChildContext()

// You customize the i18n object here:
const i18n = {
  _: key => key // provide _ macro, for just passing down the key

 * When using Lingui `withI18n` on components, props.i18n is required.
function nodeWithI18nProp(node) {
  return React.cloneElement(node, { i18n })

 * Methods to use
export function shallowWithIntl(node, { context } = {}) {
  return shallow(
      context: Object.assign({}, context, { i18n })

export function mountWithIntl(node, { context, childContextTypes } = {}) {
  const newContext = Object.assign({}, context, { linguiPublisher: { i18n } })
   * I18nProvider sets the linguiPublisher in the context for withI18n to get
   * the i18n object from.
  const newChildContextTypes = Object.assign({},
      linguiPublisher: shape({
        i18n: object.isRequired
  return mount(
      context: newContext,
      childContextTypes: newChildContextTypes


import { mountWithIntl } from 'enzyme-test-helper.js'

const wrapper = mountWithIntl(
  <OurComponent />


Snapshot testing

Snapshot testing is fast and convenient way to ensure you app doesn’t change unexpectedly. However, components are serialized with all props, so even simple translation:

<Trans>Today is <DateFormat value={now} /></Trans>

has a very long and hard to read snapshot:

   I18n {
     _activeLanguageData: Object {
       plurals: [Function],
     _activeMessages: Object {},
     _catalogs: Object {
       en: Object {
         languageData: Object {},
         messages: Object {},
     _dev: Object {
       compile: [Function],
       loadLanguageData: [Function],
     _language: en,
     _locales: undefined,
     plural: [Function],
     select: [Function],
     selectOrdinal: [Function],
     t: [Function],
 id=Today is {now,date}
   Object {
     now: 2017-04-05T11:14:00.000Z,
   value=Today is 4/5/2017
   Today is 4/5/2017

In such case we might want to test just an HTML output. jest-serializer-html indents and formats HTML in snapshot making it easier to diff. Add it to Jest config:

   "snapshotSerializers": [

Instead of serializing element wrapper, serialize HTMl instead:

expect(mount(<Trans>Today is <DateFormat value={now} /></Trans>).html())

The final snapshot is shorter and easy to review:

<div>Today is 4/5/2017</div>